Friday, October 06, 2006

Moments of happiness in doing small things

In our Dead busy lives, I dont know about others but at least I have forgotten to smile on small small things..
bcoz of technology

I get happy now:
When I receive a nice mail,
When my code runs efficiently,
When I am able to beat the blore traffic and get home on time.
When I am able to spend a nice time with my honey
( Order jumbled, so dont think otherwise )

Playing ludo,cards,carrom, playing every other sport( which included were
long jump,footbal,skating,badminton, judo, in my own home lawn which I had made a sports arena ) were few things which I can think of right now, which I was happy doing it and used to make me smile.

today just a thought in my mind, that we as people rushing against time... we are forgetting the joys which we receive in doing simple things ..
now i know an argument might turn up these were childish things and I am a married man now so priorities change.. but still I enjoy the rain, the drizzle and the smell of the sand when it is wet,fresh air which makes me n honey wild :) , chirping of birds, morning walk in a clean green garden. WOW these small small things would make you so happy and life so sweet n beautiful but either we are BUSY in making our lives better ( read: worse ) or we have no time to really look at it and admire it.

I hope everyone of us should make a concious effort by not running after life but staying focussed and knowing where are you heading to ?

After all life is a great gift and happens only once in a lifetime ....
lets try to live every moment in our life knowing this moment is not going to be back and enjoying sweet little things around you.. as you know 'kal ho na ho' :)


Anonymous said...

Very true Tarun that little happiness matters.And this happiness comes from every single
thing let it be finalizing the code.Our intent needs to be to enjoy every single moment
we have.And it is not necessary that playing the fundoo games all across makes u happy but
yes sharing ur moments with ur loved ones with an intent to enjoy and mesmerize the
memories will make life worthwhile.
Keep smiling and penning nice thoughts...

Chhavi Bakshi said...

i think that as changes come in your life, so the way you change and your thought process changes. Its not necessary that things which used to make you happy when you were 10 yr old will make you happy now. This is because as time changes, you change, the people around you with whom you interact change and thus things which used to give you joy then, changes....Change is a part of life and we all have to accept it. You dont have time to play ludo now but i am sure if you play now also and you win it from me, you will be very happy and it will give you joy...Dont you get happy, still, when your parents are happy, you dont smile when you get gift from some one...You do...aren't you? You just need some time to enjoy the small things which you used to enjoy at the small age. But at this age, you definitely enjoy things for which you dont need time like getting an award for our good work. The smile comes instantaneoulsy to you :) I hope you have read the poem " No time to Stand and Stare".. now we understand the tru meaning of this poem... Dont we?

Tarun said...

thanks to both for ur comments...

well wat I was tryin' to mk a point was that "In our busy lives we shud enjoy little moments which make us happy"

n i think u both understood it pretty well ! :)