Monday, October 02, 2006


Relationships: This time around when Chhavs was not with me and I was attending a ceremoy which had to do everything with relationships probably I had a deeper insight into relationships..
I was attending a Marriage cermony where two people were getting into a life long relationship..
the first thought which now comes to my mind is from birth til non existence to this planet.. we as mortals try to build a relationship with one anoter....

A good relationship with our parents..
A friendly relationship with our siblings..
A true relationship with our friends..
A sincere realtionship with our teachers..
A cordial realtionship with our colleagues..

The whole world is moving fast in an attempt to build a nice and sweet relationship with one another...
Its not merely not restricted to humans but spreads to countries and organisations as well..
Indo Pak relationship
US Iraq relationship

Can I leave behind the most successful biz companies..
A comfortable relationship with its customers..
No i dont want to get into the
CRM ( customer relationship managment )
SRM ( supplier relationship managment ) techie stuff..

what I am bothered is the HUman Reltionship..

the way we start a relationship with the person.. or the way we have developed the best of realtionship with a person sometime back
does that remain as simple and sweet the way we had achieved in present time ?

a simple example a couple who has been marrried for 5 years now engaged into a relationship by their own will promised to live for each other from now are now leading a normal life ( might be happy by their own scale but definitely not in mmy scale..)

why the anger on one another comes out so openly in public after a period of time ?

why the person starts taking the other person so granted that he/she forgets to think to even ask of the comfort of the partner ?

why the same person is bothered NOW only of his comforts when earlier he used to stretch far beyond his capcities to give comfort to his partner?

why now he narrates all the bad habits about his partner to anyone who he sees and tries to look for sympathy from everyone when he has the biggest support besides him/her..

No I am not talking about couple who are having strained marriages and relationships but I am talking about couples whose Love I have seen grown to the highest peak .. n would have laid down their lives for one another.. But now after a period of time.. they are living bcoz tey are commited to live with each other.. ( Thank god they hv indian values alive in them)
But why I could Not i see the same passion in them...
why now the same display of affection in public is NON existent in them ?

People normally say me its not ben an year of your marriage.. wait for an year and then you would see the changes...
but wat after an year will the love take a back seat or something else takes a priority ?

agreed there are many other things which eventually take priority and few others take a back seat.. but why public display of anger frustation restlessness impatience over the partner begins ? ?

why the same RElationship for which we have done evrything possible to build a great relationship fades away to a normal relationship ?

why the ship of relation starts sinking after a while when it promised to rise high even in stormy weather ?

~from a sailor whoz commited to sail high in his BIggest n the greatest ship ( read RELATIONship )


Chhavi Bakshi said...

it seems we have heard and seen so much in relationships that probably bothered you to pen down your thoughts on relationships. its true that after a while every pair, in india or outside have a same story to tell. answers to your questions, probably i might not be able to answer but yes i dont want to be in sinking ship of relation after a while. People say a lot but lets see how much high we keep our relationship..probably we might get all our answers or might not get even a single one :) Whatever you say, sailing the ship of relations high or lfying our kite high in the sky, i guess we will DO IT.. :)

Anonymous said...

bahiii kaya hoo gaya .. itneee sentii blog ... :)

Anonymous said...

I think we should n't...make a lasting impression with only one or two examples.Truly,as time fades
away people start taking each other for granted and every relation ship be it with ur
siblings,friends or parents flow in this uneasy tides once a while.We don't see these grudges
in these relationships because we know they are precious and hence we always work to
strive and maintain those relationships.We forgive easily, we talk and clarify our things easily
[Though it is not always,but still].So these relationships don't bear the blunt of time.
But for a couple once the time passes and the low tide comes.They are not able to sustain
and cross the time because they are not willing to apply the principle fundamentals of a relationship.
Expectations that the other person should understand becomes so high that they forget to give each other space,respect and forgiveness.And it happens because they know their partner will
never go away from them...he/she will and has to be there for them always.
But must say Tarun it was a blog which made my mind to think.
Keep the good work and ur evaluation going...when Chhavs is not there.