Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Always n Always I dont know why but I have found myself on crossroads....
this way or tat way n everytime my heart / mind are in a tussle which way to choose from...
I think I have always been following my heart ( n I convince myself tat my mind is sayin d same thing ) but this time I think for the first time I have followed my mind... and I m tryin my best to convince my heart about it !

Life for me has always been full of choices on the same occasion, never ever I have my plate of one choice, when there is a need for me to grab somehting.. be it change of my career path / company / project I have been on a bumpy road to decide for things... But I think that I have always taken d rite step.. n God has always supported me in that and I always think he has HIS blessings on me always in what ever path I choose... I take it that HE is d divine super power in making me decide what I choose
( Dont know if thats my escape plan if things r not working out / or my childhood belief that GOD makes you do things in a way he has planned for us )

I hope the path I chose this time is as perfect as planned & I get what we have been wishing/desiring for long..

God Bless me and my family !


Tarun said...

wish I cud hv a time machine to figure what in store in both ways... and then decide.. :)

Chhavi Bakshi said...

u know what....for some people God/Life leaves no choices....i think u should feel blessed that God gives you choices and the will power and mind/heart to chose between them. I belive it is always to have choices than to have no choice. In that case, you have to accept what is given to you. So feel blessed by God and help yourself in knowing what is wrong and what is right. Heart is not always correct and the balance between mind and heart is very important. If you strike a balance between them, you are the KING of your life.
Apart from all this, one question....as you said life always makes you stand between cross roads.....so during the marriage decision, were you at any cross roads at that time also????? I think at that time also you might have had choices ;)