Sunday, April 02, 2006

Indian Idol

Sony Tv roxs.. for the running of Indian idol.. for 2 yrs in succession.. I know it takes a lot of effort and planning for organizing.. Though I must admit I had never watched it but from some time now me chhavs are glued to it !

After the melodraama.... in the Final'es goin on between Anuj n Abhy.. we must think wat is the ideal way to run it?
Is leaving such a great respeonsibilty of the "Indian Idol" be left to people only.. who might NOT know the meanin' of Music.. the Sur.. Sangeet.. Taal... Raag all for them is their fav. contestant.. Is tat fair enough ?
The best thing about we indians is The Love we give.. The whole world appreciates this... n we all are proud of it ! but giving the same love at this stage as well when we know it may lead to success of the Undeserved.
well now we have only 3 people fighting for their "Dream" to be completed..
though their dream is in our hands but dont u think so we shud help the BEST to accomplish his dream..

I know Karnuyaa is the much deserved Indian Idol - 2 but I wish Sandeep to grab the title.. n i wil sms for his win... After all I am a TRUE Indian ;)


Anonymous said...

So your are a true indian. At one time you say we should be more responsible, at the other time, you are doing the same, many Indians would do....think of the person who deserves something but because of the irresponsible citizens like you, their dream might be shattered....
Put yourself in his shoes and think.
It has become very important to realize our responsibilities as a good and responsible citizen of INDIA

Tarun said...

Chhavs, Thank GOD my blog has inspired at least one indian...
the sign off was pure sarcasism to jolt u off ur seats tat now its time to wake n be a Nice Indian than a True Indian

Anonymous said...

Are baba yeah bateee blog peee kuu share kaar reha hoooo ... :)
Eak dusreee seee baaath kaaar baat kaar loooo :)