Monday, April 10, 2006

Changes.... Do u accept it ?

Change is the only thing in life which is PERMANENT :)

How many times do we try to accept changes as it comes.. do we try to take them n enjoy it..

Well for me the Answer is " i try to but some changes are going over my head"
for instance change in my dept... the project is dead wague, boring, unfriendly, unexciting and al those things which make my day boring..

Well this change i tried to accpet it for my betterment but there seems no light of hope to where I am heading to..
Agreed tat this change for me is difficult to accept as the path is rough but taking a tough path is not tat I am worried about but there is no one who is going with me and there is no one who can show us where to go ?

The change is getting bigger and tougher each day !


Anonymous said...

God has some plans for you. You might not be aware of them as of now but you will realize this in the coming days.

God Bless!!

Anonymous said...

hey Tarun,

Just try to concentrate on your blessings than ur boring things.If ur focus shifts to ur blessings u will feel this to be too small or insignificant.Rest everything happens for good.
Good luck in ur endeavours,

Anonymous said...

hey Tarun,

Just try to concentrate on your blessings than ur boring things.If ur focus shifts to ur blessings u will feel this to be too small or insignificant.Rest everything happens for good.
Good luck in ur endeavours,
[Sorry i had to publish it again,I forgot to put my name]