Friday, April 28, 2006

How Opal Mehta got Kissed, Got wild and Got a Life

This novel which has created waves, in terms of being famous & being notorius, is one of the most exciting novels I have read.

The reason why i went in for this book was
1. It was written by an Indian teenager who lives in US..:)
2. Wanted to see the extent how a teenager is able to create a big news..
3. She was given by the publisher, Time Warner $ 500,000 as the advance.. so much given to a teenager, at least it makes this book worth reading...

But I can tell you the truth, I was totally satisfied and happy after reading the book, which has finally created my interest into more active reading.... :)

I read this novel in record time of 10 days ! Though I am not a avid reader, but this book kept me glued to it. Opal mehta kept on attracting me towards herself, the same way I am fascinated towards french fries. ( people who know me knows this truth ).

The continuity of this book is wonderful, and the way varous incidents/ accidents and charcters have been described makes you feel, that you are with them sharing their joys.

But i was Moved when i learnt.. Kaavya, the author is accused of Plagiarism.. I could not belive it, why Kaavya, whose writing style excites me.. should such a thing.
News after news but I was convinced it must have been a mere coincidence...
How could a writer just copy writings of others?

But i was moved by this article I came across, while surfing.

The url if link does not work:

24 passages, were said to have copied style from novels, Mccaferty's Sloppy First and second helpings..
Its a fact ! I now know it..
There can never be so much similarities between two people.. though inspration is one thing but copying the excat lines..... oh my my
Kaavya this could not have been Unintentional and Unknowingly....

I became one of the fans of your writings.. you really did a nice job... but please say NO to plagiarism... it would ruin you and your writing style..
I wonder if some one writes a new book
" How kaavya became rich, got caught and ruined her life"

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Time or No Time

There's always enough time to do all the unnecesaary things in life but never enough for the important things in life. - Quoted by my own experience

Monday, April 10, 2006

Changes.... Do u accept it ?

Change is the only thing in life which is PERMANENT :)

How many times do we try to accept changes as it comes.. do we try to take them n enjoy it..

Well for me the Answer is " i try to but some changes are going over my head"
for instance change in my dept... the project is dead wague, boring, unfriendly, unexciting and al those things which make my day boring..

Well this change i tried to accpet it for my betterment but there seems no light of hope to where I am heading to..
Agreed tat this change for me is difficult to accept as the path is rough but taking a tough path is not tat I am worried about but there is no one who is going with me and there is no one who can show us where to go ?

The change is getting bigger and tougher each day !

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Indian Idol

Sony Tv roxs.. for the running of Indian idol.. for 2 yrs in succession.. I know it takes a lot of effort and planning for organizing.. Though I must admit I had never watched it but from some time now me chhavs are glued to it !

After the melodraama.... in the Final'es goin on between Anuj n Abhy.. we must think wat is the ideal way to run it?
Is leaving such a great respeonsibilty of the "Indian Idol" be left to people only.. who might NOT know the meanin' of Music.. the Sur.. Sangeet.. Taal... Raag all for them is their fav. contestant.. Is tat fair enough ?
The best thing about we indians is The Love we give.. The whole world appreciates this... n we all are proud of it ! but giving the same love at this stage as well when we know it may lead to success of the Undeserved.
well now we have only 3 people fighting for their "Dream" to be completed..
though their dream is in our hands but dont u think so we shud help the BEST to accomplish his dream..

I know Karnuyaa is the much deserved Indian Idol - 2 but I wish Sandeep to grab the title.. n i wil sms for his win... After all I am a TRUE Indian ;)