Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thinking Thougts ;)

Life is full of choices, no matter which one you choose, you will always think "why didnt I choose the other one". Though the one u choose might be the best but somewhere u wil feel the need of things u hv missed out in the one you didnt choose.
Now tats Life ALWAYS demanding & unpredictable !


Anonymous said...

Life is always unperdictable...
It is upto always of us to get the best out of life

Anonymous said...

Life is unpredictable like an experiment.The more you will try,more you will understand the validity of your choices and better you make more choices ahead.the life we lead is defintely due to choices we make.

Anonymous said...

thinking comments...

Anonymous said...

Its pure human nature....
Humans would wish to have what they dont have, and they dont think of things which they have...its very important to give importance to what we we never know when we loose it....