Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The White Tiger

I just read a post on ibnlive.com that Aravind Adiga became the 4th Indian born to win the most prestigious awrd in English Literature - Man Bookers Prize.
The other 3 Indian born who have got this prestigious award are Sir Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy and Kiran Desai .

I was reading the excerpt of this book and found it to be very interesting. Why poor people in India are so honest and is that honesty drifting away ?
It does not talk about the Shining India but the darker India. It questions though people are so poor in india but still the crime rates in india beacause of poverty are far less than what we have in New York, and Latin America.
Why in India only the rich are becoming rich and poor are becoming more poor.

Found all these questions very interesting and thought provoking. Can't wait for chhavs to come home soon and then we can go to the Barners & Noble ( bookstore ) for me to grab a copy of White Tiger..

Last statement provides many interesting insights:
1. I was on off today from my office, hence waiting at home for Jumbo :)
2. I need a permission from my wife to let me buy tat book... :) just kiddin'
3. Apart from sharing our lives, we share the same car..
Such adjustable nature.. :)

I guess you all who have visited this blog, should read this book.

हिन्दी मैं लिखो !

अरे वाह आज इतने दिनै के बाद मैंने अपना ब्लॉग खोला एंड यह हिन्दी का सही तरीका पाया
हिन्दी मैं ट्रांसलेशन एनाब्लेद... :)
मेरा भारत महान ................ रहूँ कहीं भी " फिर भी दिल हैं हिन्दुस्तानी " !