Tuesday, February 20, 2007

ek chidiya anek chidiya .... love it

see this

remembrance of ur childhood :)

DD Tv rocks..

Monday, February 19, 2007

Deal or NO Deal

Was just sittin in my room and was doing nothing but surfing chhanels... when i got to see a serial on NBC "Deal or No Deal".....
oh my god reminded me of apni Mandira Bedi hostin Desi "Deal or no Deal"....
Ghosh ! how badly she used to conduct the whole serial...
this one which i saw the original american version was real fun...
The prize money was 750,000 $.... ( tats ok since it ws in US ) but the whole conductin' of the serial was good unlike the bedi's one..

it had all emotions attatched to it... the person parents were there, his wife, his brothers.... he was a chinsese and his parents came to US with 750 $ with them and not he was a contestant who was tryin to get his luck on 1000 times more what they had brought ( 750,000 )....

they also had the suitcases ( though all sexy blondes holding the suitcases) and the banker ..... but the host n banler talkin was barely minimum and no overacting...

All in all the show looked more interesting :) ( Original rules may be )
banker offered him several times but he promplty said " No deal"
finally it boiled down to 4 suitcases of 75,750,7500 and 750,000.....

750 was a magic number for his family and he was offered a monay of 300,000 dollars which he accpeted..... :)

guess what when he was asked to pick another suitcase after he quit the game it was 750,000, which menat he would have lost all... and he had with him a suitcase of 750 only....

a vicious circle could have been all over again... ! wat a co incidence... son winning what his parents brought when came to US....

but still he managed to hold his witsand won 300,000 $.....

now i knw what was the original "Deal or No Deal"

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Houston Dowtown

This weekend a gang of 4,(me, naresh,vishwaas and ranjit) who met by chance and luck happened to go to Houston downtown..
For all four of us , US is a new world, so we thought instead of following a daily routine of beer, cards n grocery shopping, lets explore the downtown..
Thanks to PD who gave us the car for weekend ( though we had to ask for it, else we wud hv be'n on foot ) who is PD tat's not important.. but he deserves a thanks...

So started with the http://www.mapquest.com/ exploring and how to get to the initial road was Vishwaas job n then bcoz of my map readin' abilities ( haha, thanks to my german stinit ) I took the job of guiding the later part...
but north south for all of us is like al d same,( earth is round na , so how come perpendicular directions hehehehe ;) every time someone asks me where is north i think "wish I had a Compass with me" and I would have promptly told him...
so from the start after the toll paid at W.SAM Houston Tollway, we headed to a wrong direction :)
But then we continued driving as we had no other option of stopping in way in between like in India ... a stop on the GT road and asking a Dhaba waala "Paaji.. eh road kithe jaandi hain " and he would help anyone smilin selflessly and hoping against the hope "if they cud all hv a cup of tea in his dhaba.."
But then we took an EXIT and as someone(CJ) told me when "you losse a way got to Gas filling station" as they call it :), and to our surprise he said keep on going straight and follow the boards "Downtown".... wow though we took a wrong direction but we ended in taking a LONG route.. which lead to downtown... Didnt i earlier say that world is round , so go anywhere you end up reaching the place you want... :)
so we reached the downtown n all of us in excitement said WOW in union.... it was a nice place but then we had to get rid of the car, so that we could explore the place by foot and more importantly we could get ourselves clicked... so first parking place we saw was 1.5 dollars for 15 mins.... instantly we calculated and converted the cost and we reversed and started in hunt for a cheaper option...

Thanks to our JUGAR-baazi we parked the car for free in the parking of RANDALLS ( a Grocery shop ).. Now no one should see that we are cheating them we very smartly went inside the shop ( for us its not less than a floor of a mall ), cheated oursleves that we are shopping and comparing the prices of the products we had purchased yestaerday from Wal-Mart.. after some time we came out and started with the exploration of downtown..

We headed towards the METRO station, to enjoy a ride to an alternate station, which we could have covered 5 mins by walk, but then coming to HOUSTON downtown firsttime and not taking a Metro, you must be missing something.. :)

On the way to the station, we saw two cars crashed into each other and BANG was the noise... I was very excited and wanted to see how soon the police would come to the scene.. ( is US Police as efficient than the Indian Police )...

but to our surprise those two men very quietly moved their cars to the side ( not to block the traffic ) and they didnt shouted, nor showed fists to one another and neither other people came in between to sort the matter.. in other words "Koi wi butha chuk ke nahin aaya" na hi kisse ne poochyan "zyaada ta nahin laagi..... chalo koi na bachaaw ho gaya... " How no feelings are there in these people :) come in india, meet with an accident, first hungaama between tow parties and then a mela would be on the spot blocking the traffic for at least 2 hiurs,.. tabhi to mazaa aayega n lagega ki khuch huan hain.... :)

But then we also became feeling-less and moved to our further exploration and photo session.. Came on the way was JPMorgan chase bldg, Bank of america bldg, and many other small bldgs which were like 70-80 story bldgs but they are small na... Bayou Theatre,Hard Rock cafe, Visitor centre,Park, all came our way for getting themselves clicked :)

The last pic we took is a class so attatching it..

( to be continued )